
balls and beer.

Okay, so if you're in AI and you skip out on bowling night, you're just absolutely crazy. I suck at bowling. In fact, I think the older I get the worse I am. True story. The only bowling I'm good at is Wii bowling, and that's usually when I've had a couple drinks. I didn't drink at bowling night, but I'm pretty sure everyone else had enough to make up for it. I just bowled, drank a cherry coke, and took a lot of pictures :) I'm so glad I brought my camera too. I've felt a little "off" lately and I think it was exactly the dose of medicine I needed. I didn't, however bring my camera to the Karaoke bar afterwards, and I wish I had. Although, everyone would of missed out on seeing my sweet dance moves if I had been taking pictures, so I'm pretty sure it was a good substitution.

This is the sweetest couple ever!

Some of us, Heidi for example, take our game very seriously.

I think it's funny when you you take bowling pictures, because you get a camera full of butt shots. Tim's made the cut. Nice form Mr. Cooper. :)

I love the lines in this one. :)


Andy. Do I need to say more??

My amazing friend, Kevin.

This is what happens when photography students get together. There were even studio lights set up to the right. haha.

dragging the shutter.

Okay, and this is completely unrelated and random, but I couldn't help myself. The tomato plants at my house are going crazy right now. Which is kind of weird, because fall has stopped by to say hello and I think it's going to to stay and visit for a while. I wanted to take a picture of them because they're so yummy and cute! Besides, I got this old school canister at the thrift store the other day (50 cents!) and was dying to put something in it. Thrift store treasure hunting makes my heart smile.

I hope everyone had a good weekend.
Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. those balls look greasy...i mean big...i mean, nevermind.
