
a family affair.

My boyfriend calls me a "southern bell." I definitely grew up in the south, and spent my first 12 years on a dairy farm, but I never wore cow girl boots, showed pigs in the 4H club, or chased after Wrangler-wearing cowboys. Well, not until two weeks ago that is. 

meet Jake...

yeah, I know right??! Probably the cutest darn cowboy I've ever seen. Jake is Peyton's older brother. Their mom Angie, loved the last impromptu pictures I took so much, that we planned a shoot with the three of them. It was quite an adventurous afternoon,even up to the point when I got to take a brake and play with Angie's friendly baby goats. Oh and by the way, I've always wanted goats, but now I really, really want a goat. :)

Anyways, I had a really hard time picking out my favorites from the shoot. Hope you enjoy my choosing. :)

One of my favorites... Angie you are such a beautiful mom!


Peyton Brylee.

Life is so sweet, so precious.
I've been thinking a lot about life lately. Kind of a broad subject, I know. There's a lot to think about, especially for someone like me who over-thinks everything. And this, then causes life to quickly become more complicated than it ever needed to be.

Three weeks ago, a dear friend of mine, like a sister really, had her second child. I got to hold this precious little babe for a very long time, and feed her a bottle, all at only the ripe age of one week old. 
Tomorrow, I am going to a funeral. A service to celebrate the life of a man, a dear heart to my mom's life, that passed Friday at the ripe age of 48. I didn't know him as well as I now wish I had. But he effected my life just the same, just as anyone does, when they pass through it. A tiny light in this huge constellation called life.

I went to see Peyton again today, two weeks older and bright eyed. Full of life. As I cradled her little body in my arm, and she held onto my finger with her entire hand, I felt so blessed. My life sits somewhere in the middle of one week, and 48 years, and it has been so full. Full of heartache, love, laughter, stress, turmoil, hugs, good food, traveling (although not enough!), learning, fear, bravery, pain, and a lot of truly beautiful, beautiful moments. And I think I think too much about it. About the past, the future, my heartache, my mistakes, my choices. When really as huge as life feels, it's quite small. Quite simple.

So thank you, Peyton and Lance, for helping me to open my eyes the last few days, a little wider. 
Thank you for helping me remember to keep my life simple. To surround my days with things that bring me joy. And to not over-think it. Because just as quickly and beautifully as we are brought into it, we travel out.




just as slowly as you breath in,
breath out.
just as tranquil as the ripples ripple
the waves boom.
as still as the sky seems,
so blue, so gray, so orange,
the wind dances in a gusto of spirit
awakening the branches,
the wind catchers, the chimes.
just as wings take into flight,
you become a mere speckle in this vast, vast space
you are the space.
you are the breath.
in, out, in, out,


a sure thang.

some happy things I can count on:

  • huckleberry tea = sure to create a comforting/aching nostalgia for Montana.
  • fresh bed sheets = sure to make for a perfect nights rest.
  • peanut butter = has been/always will be my staple food. (have I ever mentioned the crazy amount of peanut butter that I eat? It's kind of insane.)
  • my dog = her breath will always stink, but her kisses are sure to make you feel loved.
  • best friend = hardly see each other, but if I need her, she's the first one to offer blunt advise, beer, and cute clothes to borrow (or keep in our case.) 
  • The Office or Friends = two shows I know will make me laugh out loud.
  • my camera = sure fire way to "de-stale" my creativity, provoke feeling, and help me to feel whole and right with my place in this world.
  • shaved ice and sweet syrup = no doubt that summer has arrived.
  • East Meets Southwest = a sushi and wine experience that will always leave you feeling ridiculously satisfied. (and changed my mind about raw food!)
  • thunderstorms = comforting therapy for my soul.
  • Harry Connick Junior = a voice like melted butter on a warm biscuit.
  • sharpie retractable ultra fine markers = best thing to write/ doodle with.
  • dove bar soap = moisturizing, fresh, removes makeup, and works better than any shaving cream. 
  • buying new underwear = a simple joy. no one sees them, but you know they're cute.

 and finally, this guy:


he's pretty easy on the eyes, and probably the surest thing I know. A constant source of knowledge, encouragement, weird food combinations, and spontaneity. He knows the difference in love and tough love, and gives them to me in healthy doses, like a daily medicine. He's the surest of all sure thangs.

Thanks for the visit and the opportunity to take these fine photographs...