
I had the swine flu during the Fall of 2009. Long story short lets just say it wiped my system clear of disease and I hadn't been sick since then, until this week. Never tell people that you haven't been sick for two and a half years. It's bound to come back and bite you in the ass at some point. Let's just say it's been a loooooong week. What started as a sore throat turned into a severe sinus infection. I ingested the most tea I think I've ever drank in a short amount of time and survived my first visit to an acupuncturist. As I laid still and quiet in the dim doctors room covered in needles I couldn't help but hope it would work. I had weekend plans that promised a small road trip, friends, butternut squash lasagna, free wine, goat milking, and the most beautiful straw bale "hut" I'd ever seen. 

As it turns out, acupuncture isn't as scary as I'd always made it out to be. And, most importantly, it works. Within less than 12 hours of treatment I was packing my bags. It was a good week, regardless of being sick. Here are the little moments I caught on my camera, in between the needles, herbal tinctures, and tea.

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