
what I did last night.

Meet Holly and Vince. 

These two people are the reason why I sent a text to my friend last night that said: 

"I love my job. Engagement session = success!"

There's a reason why I photograph and I've been thinking a lot about that lately. Sometimes I question it when I spend hours in front of the computer writing emails, editing photos, and tweaking my web presence. Or I doubt it at 5:30 A.M. when I wake up for a second job that helps pay the rent, or on days when I just feel frustrated and uncreative. But last night, as I crawled around on rocks, sweating, and sitting in a plethora of nasty stickers, I felt alive. And this is why I photograph.

Thanks Holly and Vince, for reminding me of this, and for what can only be wrote up as the most bad ass engagement shoot ever(no really.)
I. can. not. WAIT to take pictures of your wedding next month.

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